Those who find themselves easily distracted at work may be intellectually superior to their colleagues, according to research. 研究发现,在工作中易被分散注意力的人可能比他们的同事智商更高。 Intelligent workers may have difficulty concentrating due to the vast number of clever ideas popping into their gifted brains. 高智商的人很难集中注意力,是因为他们总能灵光一闪,想出许多绝妙的主意。 Bostjan Ljubic, vice president of Steelcase, a workplace solutions company that analysed the findings of neuroscientists and cognitive researchers, said: “Employers are always on the lookout for the brightest people available, however the difficulty to withstand multiple tasks and distractions in the office affects smart people in the same way as everyone else, if not more.” 斯迪凯斯公司通过对神经科学家和认知研究者的调研结果进行分析,为企业提供人力管理解决方案。斯迪凯斯副总裁博斯扬·柳比奇说:“雇主们总是在寻找最聪明的人。然而,同其他人一样,聪明人在面对多重任务时也会无从下手,而且在容易走神这件事上,聪明人跟普通人差不多,甚至不如普通人。” The smartest individuals may find it more difficult to decide which ideas to prioritise with distraction leading to, what psychiatrist Dr Ned Hallowell cites as, “a feeling of inadequacy and inability to deal with the workload as a whole,” the Telegraphreports. 英国《每日电讯报》报道称,聪明人不容易分清事务的轻重缓急。引用精神病学博士内德·哈洛韦尔的话说就是:这是因为“注意力不集中导致他们无法从全局的角度考虑事情,或者考虑的不够充分。” He added, the smartest brains can ultimately fall short of their own expected potential, as well as failing to live up to their employer's hopes. 他补充道,最聪明的脑瓜可能最终却并不能充分发挥它的潜力,达不到雇主原先的期望。 Nearly half of more than 10,000 workers, surveyed in 17 countries, said they struggled to concentrate in the office, according to a wellbeing study by Steelcase. 斯迪凯斯的幸福研究涵盖了17个国家,共有一万多人接受调查,其中有近一半的人都表示难以集中注意力工作。 Increased access to technology has been cited as a possible reason for this lack of focus. 影响注意力集中的可能因素之一是科技设备的频繁使用。 Research from GlobalWebIndex, cited by Steelcase, says the average time spent on mobile devices has increased by 200 per cent since 2012; while the average smartphone user in the UK checks their phone 221 times every day and the average office worker checks their email around 30 times an hour. 斯迪凯斯引用“全球网络指数”的研究称,目前人们在移动设备上平均花费的时间比2012年增长了200%;在英国,人们平均每天看手机221次,白领平均每小时查看邮件30次。 The University of California suggest that, ultimately, the average office worker is interrupted or distracted every three minutes. 加利福尼亚大学的研究发现,总的来说,白领平均每三分钟就要走一次神。 Mr Ljubic said: “The ways in which we work are changing more rapidly than ever before and the brain is being subjected to stresses and distractions which can lead to overload and statistics show that distractions in the workplace are on the rise.” 柳比奇说:“我们的工作方式正在不断变化,变化频率比以前快多了。大脑易于焦虑、走神,由此导致脑部超负荷运转。数据显示,无法专心工作的人的数量正在上升。”